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A Workplace Wellness Agency 

Complimentary Coaching Call

Book your Complimentary Breakthrough Coaching Call
Must book by end of day Wednesday 11th September
*limited spaces*


"The Revolution is an Inside Job"

At The Inside Job, our primary focus is on the individual and their inner transformation because we firmly believe that change begins from within. We understand that personal growth has a profound ripple effect, ultimately impacting the entire organization. By fostering inner transformation, we empower individuals to become catalysts for positive change within their workplace, igniting a transformative journey that radiates throughout the entire team and beyond.

TIJ Model

The TIJ model is a framework that brings to life the mission and vision of The Inside Job.

The model focuses on 5 key pillars which are embedded in all experiences.

It represents our connection to nature, its elements, and our human senses.








Signature Programs

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The Renewal 

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The Opening 

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The Closing 

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The Bridge 

The Inside Job Signature Programs, are meticulously crafted to harmonize the needs of both individuals and businesses.  Our programs are uniquely tailored to align with each business quarter, mirroring the rhythm of nature's four seasons. 

In every season, we are called to approach our work and life with distinct energy and focus. Summer's vitality differs from the introspection of winter.  Embracing this change, rather than resisting it, is the key to growth.

The foundation of each program seamlessly integrates the ebb and flow of business and nature, allowing us to tune in, adjust, and adapt. This equips each participant to thrive in perfect synchrony with the ever-evolving tapestry of life and work throughout the year.


The Experience

At The Inside Job, we believe that true transformation occurs through direct experience.


Every experience we offer is meticulously crafted to cultivate personal and professional growth through hands-on involvement. This is not just about theory; it's about hands-on, transformative encounters.


We are dedicated to helping you create a thriving, harmonious workplace where your team can reach their full potential.

Why Work With US


Tailored Programs

The Inside Job offers both signature and customized programs.

We understand that every workplace is unique, and our approach is flexible to meet your specific needs. Our programs are carefully curated to address the challenges your team faces.


Online or In Person

We understand that the world is changing, and so are the ways we work. That's why we offer both online and in-person programs. You can choose the format that best suits your team's needs and preferences.


Dynamic Workshops

Our workshops are designed to be engaging and interactive. We don't just tell you what to do; we guide you through the experience, helping your team learn, grow, and develop essential skills for personal and professional success.


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Connect with us

We would love to hear from you. 

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to know more about our services.

Thank you for getting in touch.

We will get back to you soon.

With Gratitude, 

Hannah and Jana

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